The marketing world has transformed with the advancement of technology. Social media marketing is changing the dynamics of the advertising industry. But the conventional methods of marketing still play an important role in brand marketing. Brochures serve as a powerful marketing tool that greatly impacts viewers and customers even in this digital era.

A well-designed brochure attracts customers and increases brand visibility effectively. When it comes to inexpensive brochure printing, the design elements play an important role since they help generate leads, which can help the company flourish. Here are the key elements of an effective brochure. 

1. Informative Headlines

When you are writing headlines, it can be easy to write from the perspective of what you would like to convey through the brochure. But the reader is unlikely to be as interested in the development of your business as you are. Rather than thinking about what problems or questions your reader might have that the brochure can answer or solve. 

2. Attractive Colors and Images

The images used in custom brochures should be relevant to your product and business and engaging enough to attract the viewer’s attention. The brochure quality should be professionally framed with the design and content. Moreover, the brochure defined the brand’s standard, too. You should consider the background color since it gives an impression with attractive and subtle colors. You should take suggestions from your brochure designer to get the most elegant-looking brochure to present your brand. 

3. Informative Product Description

Your brochure design needs to include an informative product description, which communicates the product value effectively to potential customers. They serve as the cornerstone of brochure printing Canada, providing information that helps target customers understand what the product is all about, how it really works, and what makes it better than products in the market. By adding crucial information, such as benefits, key features, and technical specifications, you can equip customers accordingly to make better buying decisions. The product description you are adding to your brochure has to be concise, clear, and easy to understand. 

4. Engaging Content

The content of your brochure has to be concise, engaging, and easy to read. Focus on the advantages and unique selling points of your services and products. Use persuasive language to attract the readers and display how your offerings can solve their issues or fulfill their requirements. Breakup the text into small sections with bullet points, subheadings, and short paragraphs for maintaining the interest of the reader. 

5. A Strong Call-to-Action

The best brochure comes with a clear call to action, which tells people what they are supposed to do after they are done reading the brochure. Without a call-to-action, a half fold brochure printing kind of fizzles out. 

Thus, you need to identify what you would like your customers to do next and tell them that. 

  • Would you like them to make an appointment? Tell them how they can do that and when. 
  • Would you like them to order a product? Then give them a clear instruction on how they can place an order. 

Including a QR code can be an excellent way to make things easier for your customers. 

6. Contact Details

It might seem self-explanatory, but you will be surprised at how many business brochures include limited or no contact information. 

So, you need to make sure that you are adding your website and phone details. But for many businesses, street addresses and social media handles are largely important. Unless there is a proper reason to leave them off, ensure you include all information somewhere on the brochure. But it needs to be easily noticeable. 

7. Testimonials and Client Success Stories

Social proof is a strong tool when it comes to marketing. Display client success stories and testimonials in your brochure to demonstrate your expertise and your past clients’ satisfaction. Add before and after images and allow your work to speak for itself.